
The proposed temporary campus will be on the lot by the skate park, across from the waste treatment plant that often smells of sewage due to hydrogen sulfide. This is the air our kids will be asked to breathe all day. Gross. 

It is also potentially a health risk, depending on how much our kids breathe and for how long. It’s unlikely to rise to the level of a health risk, but even well short of that line, it can certainly impact morale and quality of life.  The Measure G bond language provides that the funds are to be used to create a “healthy educational environment” but this smelly site on top of a dump does not fit the bill.

The District notes that the portables will have air conditioning, so the doors can remain closed to block out the smell.  That’s helpful, if a little sad, but it is not sufficient to address time spent outdoors between classes, at recess, and at lunch.