
  • — NEW! — Keri Brenner, Marin Independent Journal, Mill Valley School District Reshapes Bond Oversight Panel,” December 5, 2024 (discussing the District’s recent bylaws change to establish staggered terms and eliminate any alternates for the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC), the body tasked with ensuring that the Measure G bond funds are spent appropriately. This move ousts Chris Bailey and Gabriel Burczyk from CBOC, thus removing the two people on CBOC who asked hard questions and who sought, on behalf of taxpayers, more detailed and transparent financial reports).

  • Keri Brenner, Marin Independent Journal,Mill Valley preschool agrees to vacate school district building,” Oct 22, 2024 (noting that Terra Marin will vacate 70 Lomita by November 31, 2024, which frees this property up for District use, including as a potential alternative site for the interim campus).